cherry tomatoes

5 Tips On How To Be More Eco Friendly

Are you looking for greener and cleaner methods as to how to be more eco friendly? Look no further! It is never too late to learn how you can change your impact on the world around you. By practicing these five methods, you will be able to understand what it takes for you to leave the planet healthier and better than when you left it!

Walk or bike instead of drive

Changing your transportation methods can be one of the biggest ways on how you can be more eco friendly. The more a person is able to reduce the use of their car or anything that requires gasoline to burn is already a step in the right direction. To some, this is easier said than done simply because they need their car to get to work or other necessary far away locations. Even though this may prove difficult it doesn’t have to be!

Even if you can carpool with a friend to the grocery store or work, that is already reducing the impact you have on the earth. The idea is to use little to no gasoline as much as possible when it comes to transportation to and from destinations. Something else to consider when deciding to bike or walk is that this is a very healthy exercise for people to get in the habit of doing. Not only are you being more eco friendly but you are being friendly to the health of your body!

Use eco friendly shopping bags

Switching to re-usable shopping bags is another incredible way to become more eco friendly. Most people think they need to have a store bought re-usable bag from Whole Food’s or Trader Joe’s. Technically, these bags are great if you’re going to use them over and over again, but it doesn’t have to be one of these bags.

A lot of people are starting to switch the type of lunch bags they use or even the type of bags that they like to shop for produce in. There are also silicone bags designed to remove the use of plastic and paper entirely to store your food! This bag can be your new dedicated lunch box.

Just by switching the type of bag you use is really awesome practice to get in the habit of and you’ll start to notice how much your waste is reduced just by having a re-usable bag with you.

Read: Eco Friendly Alternatives To Trash Bags

Buy locally made products

One of the biggest ways a person can support the environment is by supporting your local farmers/business owners. Shopping at your local farmer’s market can be one of the most rewarding experiences that not only benefits you and the person selling locally made goods, but has a tremendous effect on the world. Not only are you able to learn about the products you’re buying but you also get to see where your money is going and who is going to be putting it to good use that mutually benefits everybody!

The more you are able to stray from mega corporations and facilities that focus on capitalism, the more of an eco friendly impact you will have on everyday life. Most of what you would find at a big grocery store can be found at a farmer’s market and the products being sold typically have a stronger durability over the course of time. Mainly because the products that are available for purchase are of higher quality than what you would find at Walmart or Costco and have a much more humane process for how the product was made originally.

Switch to eco friendly bathroom products

Your bathroom is actually a great starting point for you to switch to more eco friendly products and methods that do the same trick but also benefiting the planet. A lot of people have been ditching their single-use plastic razors and deciding to use safety razors. This type of razor lasts a lot longer and has a much smaller impact on the earth.

Another incredible and underestimated eco friendly method is switching to a bidet for your toilet. People who have bidets typically use a lot less toilet paper which in turn has a substantially reduced impact on the planet. Some individuals replace their toilet paper with re-usable cloth squares that they then sanitize and clean for next time.

Body wash is another product that you can switch out for something more eco friendly, such as a bar of soap. It sounds like it wouldn’t be too much of a difference but contrary to what most people believe, most body washes are actually very harmful not only to the environment but to your skin as well due to the chemicals that make up the product.

Read: 3 Eco Friendly Alternatives To Toilet Paper

Investing in your own garden

Starting a garden can take time and a lot of patience but the fruits of your labor are the true reward in the long term impact. Since you are actively tending to plants that you know are going to be utilized you are already making a conscious effort to reduce your impact on the world. If you have access to a farmers market you can get just about everything you will need there to start your very own garden.

A garden can take on many shapes and forms, the importance of this is that you have produce that is already available to you and you don’t have to go anywhere to buy or shop for it. If you are limited on space or don’t have much of a yard, growing indoors is also a possibility. Even though it can be a much smaller scale garden, you will still have a much more eco friendly impact on the earth with what you can grow.

These five tips on how to be more eco friendly will take a conscious and steady effort to get the hang of but with enough time and practice you will start to see as well as feel just how much of a difference you are making, not only in your own world but the world around you. Of course, there are a variety of other methods that you can try to incorporate into your daily living, but these five are a pretty good start to get you going on your journey to becoming more eco friendly. Just remember to keep an open mind and an open heart!

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