woman throwing fall leaves

Happy Fall Y’all! 10 Fun Things To Do During Autumn

Autumn is probably my favorite time of year. The heat of the summer has worn off and the bite of winter hasn’t arrived yet. The days are mild, the nights are a little chilly, the leaves start changing – it all really puts you in the mood to get cozy. There are a lot of fun things to do outdoors during autumn. These time of year makes me wanna shout ‘happy fall, y’all!’

10 fun things to do in the autumn

Are you ready to get outside and have a blast this fall? Here are a few fun things you can do outside during autumn.

Visit a pumpkin patch

Visiting a local pumpkin patch is among my favorite things to do every autumn. Not only does it get you outside breathing some crisp autumn air, but your visit helps keep local farms alive and well. So grab a pumpkin, visit the petting zoo, and don’t forget to grab a gallon of local apple cider to enjoy at home!

Explore haunted places

About 70% of Americans believe in an afterlife and 45% believe that ghosts are real. If that’s your belief, you’ll love this idea! Do some searching around for local “haunted” spots for a spooky little adventure for you and the family. And you never know, you might wind up seeing or photographing something awfully strange!

Watch the leaves change

Trees are among my favorite things on the planet, and each year, most species of deciduous trees put on an amazing display for us: the changing of the leaves. Depending on the type of tree, their leaves will change from a deep, rich green color to orange, yellow, gold, purple, or red. It is truly an amazing feeling visiting the countryside and watching these leaves change and blow in the wind. One of nature’s spectacles that’ll leave you saying ‘happy fall, y’all!’

Go star gazing

Autumn is a great time to go star gazing. The air in the evening is often crisp and cool, making it comfortable hoodie weather. Plus there are a few cool celestial events that take place in the fall that are definitely worth checking out. Sea Sky has a great calendar of these events. Check it out and plan a night for star gazing!

Go for a bike ride

Riding a bike is a lot of fun and great exercise. It becomes even more fun in the autumn when the air cools down, the leaves start changing, and you start feeling that bite of winter in the air. Biking is great cardiovascular exercise and can help keep you healthy throughout your life. But be careful and remember to wear a helmet!

Carve a pumpkin

Carving vegetables, like gourds and pumpkins, is believed to date back tens of thousands of years. The modern practice of carving Jack-o-Lanterns every fall has its roots in 19th century Ireland. The lanterns made from these squash is said to help ward off evil spirits that roam the earth. Spirits or no, it’s a fun activity! Plus when your carved pumpkin starts to go bad, it can be composted or fed to local wildlife.

Have a bonfire

Can you think of anything more enjoyable than a fire on a cool, fall night? A warm hoodie, a cider or a pumpkin beer in hand, talking with good friends and family around a crackling fire is the epitome of fall to me. Always be sure you’re adhering to local fire restrictions and regulations and always have a plan to put your fire out!

Go camping

Fall is really the last season where camping is a comfortable experience. Winter camping is totally doable but in the fall, the balance of hot during the day and cool at night is just right. Plan one last camping trip before it starts getting too cold and remember to always pack out what you pack in. Leave no trace!

Have a picnic in the park

Just about every city and town has a few parks, and these are wonderful places to spend your time in the fall. You can enjoy the slightly cooler weather, watch the leaves change, and soak up a little sun before it’s too cold out to be sleeveless. Parks are also great places to enjoy the outdoors while socially distanced.

Go apple picking

Last on our list is one of my favorite activities: apple picking! Many orchards open up their trees to the community for apple picking and sell the apples to you by the pound. Apple picking is great exercise and a fun activity for the whole family. Plus can you think of a better apple pie than one containing fresh apples you picked yourself? I can’t!

Say it with me: happy fall, y’all!

Keep reading: How to plant a maple tree from seed

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