flea under a microscope

How To Get Rid Of Fleas In Your Home Naturally

If you’re a pet owner then you are constantly on the lookout for fleas in your house. The moment your pets start to itch and scratch, it might be time to start figuring out how you can treat your house from a flea infestation. Although a lot of people like to choose the easy route by using toxic chemicals in their house to get rid of pests, there are some alternatives you can use that have the exact same effect. Here is what you should do if you have fleas in your house.

Fleas hate diatomaceous earth

One of the best recommendations that we can offer if you have fleas in your house is using diatomaceous earth as a flea repellent. Not only is this an incredible for getting rid of fleas but it also wards off other pests that may be lurking around in your house. We recommend that you use a product that is 100% food-grade for the safety of your home. All you have to do is sprinkle the product around the infested areas of your home, let the diatomaceous earth sit for a couple days, proceed to vacuum up the diatomaceous earth and reapply if needed.

The way that diatomaceous earth works on fleas in your house is from the silica particles that the product is made of. These particles cause shreds and tears in the exoskeleton of the fleas which expose them to oils and other elements that eventually dry the insect out and kills it completely. It might be a good idea to check your animals after you’ve treated your home a couple times to see if their itchiness has improved at all since.

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Natural flea repellant spray

Some essential oils have been known to deters fleas from a house if you dilute with water and use the solution in a spray bottle. Lavender, cedar, and citronella oils are claimed to be some of the most effective when it comes to homemade sprays. Once you’ve created your flea repellent, spray the invasive areas as much as you need. Some reapplication of the spray may prove to be more effective depending on the size of the infestation.

If you really want to skip making the spray yourself, amazon has some natural household sprays for getting rid of fleas as well. It’s a good idea to read what the ingredients are though, some of the sprays are designed specifically to the kind of animals you have at home.

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Stay away from harmful flea products in the house

When it comes to trying to control a flea infestation people tend to choose the atomic option which involves chemicals or some kind of treatment to their animal friends that does more harm than good. Depending on the products that you are using, your pets can end up suffering the consequences from the use of these toxic products.

We recommend that you stay away from using collars, harmful topical treatments or chemically imbued sprays if possible. Some animals can have reactions to these products which can cause irritable skin, rashes, respiratory problems, and even organ failure. It is very wise to be aware of the things you are using in your house for fleas and other pests that you may run into.

Your pets come first in these kinds of situations, so it’s important to know what you’re signing up for before you commit to any product that has the potential of harming your loved ones. You’ll want the best not only for your pets but the best way to deal with the fleas in your house!

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