plastic bottle lying on sand

Best Eco Friendly Bottled Water Alternatives

A lot of people are making the wise decision to switch from using their old water bottles to using eco friendly water bottles that are not only good for this planet but are also great for you to use, too! Most may not know this, but some water bottles that are manufactured with plastic and other materials like that can actually contain a substance known as BPA. You can find this chemical in most plastic based containers and it isn’t necessarily the best thing for your health if its something you use on a daily basis such as a water bottle.

There are a variety of eco friendly water bottles for you to choose from, and a lot of them have some really cool designs. However, you’ll find that when it comes to a water bottle, you’ll want an eco friendly bottle that fits all of your needs.

Glass Water Bottles

Glass water bottles are really cool and have a lot of unique designs that make them stand out from other water bottles. Most of the time, if not all the time, these water bottles are completely BPA free and are made from recyclable materials depending on the company you purchase from. However, with these kinds of water bottles you will find that they may not be the best thing to take with you on your jog or hike. If you accidentally dropped the water bottle, it would shatter into pieces! If you’re at home or going for a nice walk then maybe having a glass water bottle is for you.

Read: 5 Tips On How To Be More Eco Friendly

Stainless Steel Water Bottles

Stainless steel water bottles are probably some of the much more popular style of eco friendly water bottles. This style of water bottle is aimed more towards people with active lifestyles. The reason being is that you can find really nice insulated stainless steel bottles that not only keep the temperature of the liquid inside the same, but these are some of the sturdiest eco friendly containers you can find.

These style of water bottles are 100% recyclable and reusable which make them the ideal eco friendly water bottle for any individual that needs something long lasting and is safe for the environment.

Read: Eco Friendly Food Storage Alternatives For A Greener Kitchen

BPA Free Plastic Eco Friendly Water Bottles

If you truly do not want to have a stainless steel or glass water bottle there are plastic water bottles that are made entirely BPA free as well as being free from other harmful chemicals. The water bottle we linked is designed to be leak free and doesn’t have a gross plastic taste from the water bottle after a long time using it. You can find a lot of BPA free plastic water bottles that are 100% recyclable or even made from recycled material.

If you have never owned a reusable water bottle before, you may want to consider cleaning yours daily. Although having a reusable water bottle is great, moisture can create mold inside the lids and the lining of your bottle if you aren’t cleaning it thoroughly enough. You may also want to check if your water bottle is dishwasher safe before placing it in with your other dishes.

Why Is Using An Eco Friendly Water Bottle Important?

The amount of waste that is produced from single use plastic items and other similar products that have short use have an extreme impact on the environment around us if we are not mindful of where we are throwing our trash away. One of the ways that people can combat polluted oceans and lands is by switching to reusable products such as a water bottle. Having an eco friendly water bottle is one of the many steps that we all must take if we are to achieve a greener future for our planet.

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