spider on white background

How To Get Rid Of Spiders Without Poison

Some spiders that you find in your household are typically non-lethal and have only the desire to eat all the other unwanted pests that may be buzzing around the room. However, not everybody likes spiders and would rather remove them entirely instead of letting them hang out in their house a moment longer. We are here to help you learn how to get rid of spiders!

Choose the non-toxic route

More often than not, people want to turn towards using a chemical poison to get rid of spiders as well as other pests. Although using a poisonous substance may seem like a great idea in that moment of time, poisonous sprays can be actually be more harmful than good in your household especially if you’re spraying your plants.

There are multiple ways on how to get rid of spiders and surprisingly there are a lot of non-toxic methods you can try to solving your spider problems. Here’s a recommended list on what you should do!

Get rid of spiders with mint

Mint has been known to be a good spider repellent for people to get rid of spiders, however, there is very little research supporting this claim. It isn’t to say that it wont technically work and this solution ends up making your household smelling really minty after you’re done. All you have to do is find mint essential oil, dilute and mix it with water into a spray bottle, then you can start spraying the hot spot areas where you think it will work best. This technique doesn’t always have to be a spray bottle solution, if you like mint then you can also place some mint plants by windows or other openings to deter spiders from entering your house.

If you don’t want to make the solution or buy plants to get rid of spiders, amazon has a lot of natural spider repellent products for you to choose from and at somewhat affordable prices.

Read: Does Citronella Work? What You Should Know About Citronella Plants

Using citrus as a natural repellent

People also like to use the scent of citrus to repel spiders from coming into their homes. You can replicate the same procedure for the mint oil spray if you prefer something a little different. This is a really cheap process since you can use any citrus juice diluted with water and should work just as effectively as the mint oil spray.

There are other citrus products that you can try that don’t come in a liquid form to get rid of spiders. You can use lemon shavings or other citrus shavings and sprinkle them around the edges of where the spiders might be infesting your home.

How to get rid of spiders with diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous earth is probably the better known product that people use to get rid of spiders. This is also an awesome thing to use for other invasive pests that might want to enter your house. However, we disclaimer that this material kills spiders and pests rather than deterring them away so you may want to consider another product if you are wishing no harm to the insects.

It is recommended that you use 100% food grade diatomaceous earth and just like the citrus shavings mentioned earlier, you just sprinkle some of the material around the areas of invasion. Another reason why people like to use diatomaceous earth is because not only is it very safe for your pets and people living in your house, but it works as a great flea repellent.

Read: DIY Mosquito Trap That’s Easy And Cheap To Make

Why chemical-free is the best choice to get rid of spiders

Treating your household for pest invasions may seem like a trivial task but in the long term you’ll be happier with your decision to attack the problem chemical-free. Especially if you have a family with kids or pets in your house, you’ll want some options that can give you a healthier way of living without the worry of chemical products having long term effects on your overall health.

Read next: How to make apple cider vinegar

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